Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Night Time is the Write Time

I've always been a night owl. And a bit of an insomniac. Now it's part of my writing process. I do most of my writing at night; the ideas just seem to flow better. I seem to be able to do a better job of revising and editing during the day, when I'm presumably well-rested.
But it never fails. I'm working on a story late at night, I shut down the computer and go to bed, and as soon as my head hits the pillow, something will occur to me.
It could be something a character should say, a name for a character, a plot point. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep, but my brain wants to keep writing.
Inevitably, I will lie awake thinking about how I should rewrite the dialogue or how a particular scene in the story should play out.
Because I get so many ideas for whatever story I'm working on after I've gone to bed, the danger looms that I won't remember them in the morning. So to combat this, I'll record the idea on my phone before I fall asleep and have to struggle to remember it later.
Also, I occasionally get ideas for new stories from my dreams. I always have. I've managed to turn a few of them into actual stories, or to just include parts of the dreams in a few stories anyway.
So since I'm writing in my head in my sleep, I suppose it's only a matter of time before somnambulism takes over and I can sit down at the keyboard and type the ideas out at the same time.
I wonder what sort of gibberish I'd wake up to?
Wait a minute....

I Really Should Be Writing

  There's a meme most writers are probably familiar with - the "You Should be Writing" meme. There are a variety of them, with...